Derrel Sims’ way

Derrel Sims

Derrel Sims (on the left) with Jiulie, Director and Manager of Roswell Museum and Dennis Balthalser (investigator at the Museum and at Saber Enterprises). The picture was taken after Sims signed the Museum wall: he was the first to sign it, Julie asked!

Derrel, you often speak about the need to be a complete professional practitioneer to manage abductions. How do you use your experience as a graphoanalyst together with hypnosis?

As Master Hypnotherapist (I train and certify people going into the hypnotherapeutic field), I can offer some answers to the regression questions. To begin with it is true that one may experience the handwriting change from a proper regression experience. There are some clinical aspects that should be addressed here as well. For instance if a person has experienced certain trauma -- molestation (severe repression), physical injury (Physiological and/or psychological trauma associated with that), alleged alien abduction (extreme fear and attendant difficulties and medical anomalies, found in our research), MPD (multiple personality disorder, and attendant dissociative attributes), these all may show some amazing evidence (grapho analysis as well as other things) in regressive states...One example I might site is to regress an MPD personality to various levels of each multiple personality and then on to the various levels of those experiences and then on to childhood before this all began. This is just an illustration to show the complexities and interests that can develop in any given case. I have handwriting samples on all of the above. Some regressive states will show most interesting things, including handwriting changes at differing levels of consciousness and states of time acquired.
This being true the argument will arise concerning False Memory Syndrome, Fantasy Prone Individuals*, Hallucination etc. I am prepared to address all of these issues. Most people (including many therapists) and hypnotherapists don't know the difference between Recall and Memory. The difference being that one is imagined, hallucinatory or other wise fabricated, and the latter is actual recall of an event previously experienced. This is not beyond detection with techniques I developed using other skills and technologies.
*This is a condition where the persons fantasies and vividly lives out their experiences (even a movie) as if it were real. They get completely caught up in the senarios as if the things they see are real (even in dreams etc.).
To preface this additionally: I am a board certified Hypnotic Anesthesiologist, with specialized ratings in medical hypnotherapy. I have specialized certifications in specialty hypnotherapy concerning Direct and Ericksonian Hypnosis. I am master level in NLP -- Neuro Linguistic Programming -- and have training in Timeline Therapy. There is a lot more but at this time it is redundant and out of the current scope of this conversation.

Is it a question of being specialized only?!?

Perhaps what separates me from other abduction counselors/researchers is my proactive approach. I assist in giving the abductee the “tools” they need to take charge of their experience, to “fight back” when or if it is appropriate. It gives many of them a sense of being more in control.
This technique allows me to probe even deeper into the experience of the abductee. Handwriting, is, realistically, “brain writing”.
It is as if “someone” has overridden the existing handwriting that becomes the brain writing of the individual.

Do you mean that there is another kind of writing, in this case? As if someone had erased the person’s own one and substituted with another?

Not exactly. It means that if one has the propensity to not be obsessive compulsive (in his/her handwriting) and yet is clearly this way, why does it not show up in the abductees handwriting? It would in regular people’s handwriting.
This particularly shows up with the view that our parents are probably not ours, and that we are “all alone”. The actual reality of the abductee is “isolation”.
Another missing trait in handwriting in these folks, which must definitely be there if this emotion is true, is “clannishness” (it means they are very clannish). This might account for the massive number of folks who are “driven in thought” to move to the South West: New Mexico, Arizona, West Texas, and particularly Colorado and the Northwest corridors. The specific areas they seem to have the most interest in (the alien and the abducts) are along the continental divide.

Then those are the weapon for your “hunt”.

My obligation to the use of hypnosis in situations of human/alien encounters is to be aware of the two-fold nature of this experience (the alien as well as the human).A hunter/trapper knows his quarry. He knows his habits, his thinking, his behaviors, his timing. My skills in Hypnotic work and other trainings go pretty far in understanding the abilities of these entities and their ways of manipulating the human mind to create the “Memorex” some therapists so often find. By knowing the alien’s quarry, I am also becoming adept in the use of experimental applications on them.
Are you a pawn of whatever your experience may be, a puppet in some other sense with ties to another world-view? Or is all that has happened to you, real…truly real, and if real, what is real in that encounter? Is it your Memory or Memorex? In the dream states, altered states of consciousness or other induced states, one must move cautiously with care and cunning to keep you safe while the web is untangled, woven by some creatures of the night.
Nightstalkers, I call them. That is what they do. It is not who they are.
So hypnosys doesn’t seems to be an essential application in this field.
The truth of the matter is, I rarely use hypnosis. It is my purpose to provide hard evidence to this phenomenon. Hypnosis is only done if the person requests it or if I am looking for clarification to an answer. In some cases, I will use it to give emergency assistance to the person in the form of therapeutic intervention to provide a cushion for the event.
The issue of hypnosis as a memory tool should have remained just that…a tool.
There are memory recovery techniques available without hypnosis. I like to use it if the client wants it and I want to check a time in an event “often years back”. IE what was the weather like that exact night? This is easy to corrobaorate with the weather service.

Is it dangerous to be hypnotized?

Hypnosis can be dangerous, hypnotherapy is not. I shall explain. What is hypnosis? Most people don’t have a clue … What is your definition?
Hypnosis is a state that occurs when your attention is focused on anything for a particular reason. It is not a mystical state alluded to by many. When you pass an exit several times and can’t believe you did that, you’re in a state of light hypnosis. When you recall those vivid dreams, you’re in a state of hypnosis. When you are injured you are in a state of hypnosis. When you are making love passionately you are in a state of hypnosis. When you can’t turn off the TV and watch it incessantly, you’re in a state of hypnosis. When you are in rage and someone you admire says “I hate you”, and you allow that to imprint you, you are in a state of hypnosis. When you are in an event that causes you to have a phobia, you are in a state of hypnosis.
So what do all these state of focused attention mean … you are very susceptible to the suggestion. Many of the suggestions we get and take (or accept on a subconscious level) are not good for us. An $ 8,000,000 study shows all about how to seduce you on subconscious levels without formal hypnosis. You’re in trance several times a day anyway. Most people don’t know this.
GEN 15:12. Deep sleep fell upon Abram … God did it. And gave him a remarkable prophecy in trance.
Want some more?
NUMBERS 24:4,16. God put a false prophet in a trance to give him revelation.
In a deep trance you get directions very clearly.
JOB 4:13,15. You go into trance in deep sleep as well.
DAN. 8:18 – 10:9. Angels produce the deep sleep (this is the exact term to assist a person into hypnosis!).
But it is in the New Testament
ACTS 10:10 – 11:15 – 22:17 – 20:9 The Lord induced these trances (not sleep, if you want to get technical, although it’s the same thing here).
REVELATION 1:17. Seeing the Lord.
I hope this is helpful. That’s why knowing the Author (Holy Spirit) and Bible study is essential.

You were the first researcher in the field who has spoken a lot about the deception of the memories in the abductees’s mind. What are “false memories”, and what do you think about the way of operating of these entities?

A screen saver memory is a memory that is installed for you by “them”, the alleged abducting entity(s). The purpose seems to be a method to generate unrealistic stories of what happened. This can cause the abductee to discredit his own actual event. It is the real false memory syndrome. In the wrong hands, the screen saver event the therapist will buy into is based on whatever the therapist’s reality tunnel is. There could be screen saver memories as many as three deep, often in elaborate themes. If the alien has installed a screen saver memory (an illusion to hide real events), and the hypnotist accepts it as well, then you will think it is memory. This memory then becomes a fact in the mind of the therapist and/or abductee as the “positive experience”, the “ridiculous experience”, or the “nonsensical experience”. It is even better for the alien, if the therapist thinks it is all “nothing” and this leaves the abductee bewildered, and in a sense of being all alone again. All alone is the feeling, the emotion of the plan.
In one case an abductee, revealed to Saber’s Senior Investigator, Dale Musser, she felt she was a potato farmer’s wife in the 12th century in Ireland. She seemed sure of it. Through Musser, familiar with the history of the region, she learned that potatoes didn’t appear in Ireland until the late 17th century.
It seems, in some cases, the aliens are attempting to show a past life belief system to some individuals. I suspect if, any of the installed memory is true at all, it is not a past life you lived…but that of another person they abducted long ago and now install the recall in you to make you believe that it is your past life. How is that for a real False Memory Syndrome (FMS)? Being a hypnotist does not make you a therapist, any more than being a therapist makes you a good hypnotist. Intuition and skills in multimodalities make good therapists.

How do you know when someone is lying? This is an unavoidable question, inside an insidious field as close encounters …

It is very important for me to know whether a person is lying or telling the truth…I have learned the skills to determine this effectively, from a therapeutic value and from an interrogation standpoint. This must be done carefully, or it will disturb or hurt the find or the persons who harbor such data. Ultimately, in any event, we must care for the psychological and spiritual life of a person(s) …

But, Derrel, how do you really feel inside this research?

I sometimes speak of the many “hats” I wear in this mysterious field of UFO’s. The abductee hat is a hat of high integrity for me. This hat comes with a price tag attached to it. This is a tag you may not want, and one you will certainly pay for all your life. It is a difficult hat to wear. It forever brands you for being a witness and seeing something others have not seen (or had the courage to admit to), for hearing things others were not privy to, for feeling things and telling the truth of your heart about the matter. Endlessly you search your own heart and soul for motives, for answers, for a reason: “why?”. It is a hat I gladly share with others, though my own events ended violently at age 17.
The influences of this are never ending. The residue of the real experience is always there…lingering, lurking, hiding in the recesses of the soul. It seems ready to prey upon the unwitting and the uninitiated, often challenging the unwary, and from time to time to seemingly flaunt the more knowledgeable. In other words these events seem to defy much clear explanation from psychologists, hard sciences, and the medical field.

Copyright Saber Enterprises 2003 and Giulia d’Ambrosio for the interview

Derrel Sims and Giulia D'Ambrosio

Using hypnosis

Derrel Sims and implants


